Feng Shui is an ancient technique which originated in China that consists in arranging buildings and/or structures and the objects inside them in a certain way that, according to Feng Shui experts, will help bring balance and harmony and improve the life of those living there. Within the real estate world, both in the United States and other countries such as Canada, combining real estate and feng shui to sell homes is becoming a common practice.
Not only homebuyers from China and other Asian countries are looking for this practice in the homes they are looking to buy, but also American buyers, who, according to Faith Hope Consolo, chairwoman of the retail leasing, marketing and sales division of Prudential Douglas Elliman “are so cautious, they’re consulting not just feng shui but also the astrological calendar and the numerological calendar.” She also added they’re “trying to rationalize the transaction by putting on other safety valves.” Susan Singer, senior vice president at TownResidential in New York, also supports this view: “Using Feng Shui helps to sell listings to everyone, not just Chinese buyers.”
Wendy Kay Foldes, broker-associate with Cityscapes International Realty Group in Sarasota, Florida, worked with Katrine Karley and Pandora Seibert, co-owners of Professional Staging with Feng Shui & Design and stated: ““The first time I worked with Karley to add feng shui to a difficult listing, it sold to the very next person who looked at it.” The two-bedroom condo Wendy was selling had been in the market for two years without an offer. After Karley shifted the furniture, added red flowers and place mats in the residence, it sold the next day.
Experts state that Feng Shui can also create a better work environment, which will make everyone at the office work better. According, to an article from Forbes, “utilizing the principles of Feng Shui can influence the way employees and clients think and act when they come to work together. An amicable work environment is said to promote better employee interactions and decrease conflict on many levels.”
Houston is not an exception to this new real estate and Feng Shui combo. This month, the Houston Association of Realtors will be providing a Feng Shui seminar, “Around the World in 60 Minutes – Feng Shui”, where Houston-based feng shui expert Mr. C.C. Lee will provide an informative session on this ancient Chinese philosophy of harmonizing people with their environment.
As you have read it, according to the experts, Feng Shui can help a business or a home succeed and thrive. What about you? Do you use Feng Shui to help your business or at home? How has it helped your business? Have you seen the results? Don’t forget to leave a comment and tell us what you think about it!
Posted by Luis Tamborrel on
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