El otoño está aquí y eso significa más tiempo en casa. Queremos compartir contigo algunos tips, consejos y recordatorios para el mantenimiento de tu hogar.

 ☐ Hay que mantener limpias las canaletas, los tubos que bajan de ellas y los aleros del techo de las hojas y escombros.

☐ Hay que comprobar que la conexión entre la secadora y el escape de ventilación estén bien.

☐ Revisar las mangueras y conexiones de la lavadora en busca de grietas o fugas; si las hay, reparar o reemplazar según sea necesario.

☐ Llamar a un profesional para revisar el sistema de calefacción y aire acondicionado.

☐ Limpiar o aspirar los rieles de las ventanas, puertas corredizas y lubricarlos con spray de silicón.

☐ Revisar y en caso de ser necesario reparar los…

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Numerous choices for every type of homebuyer can be found in Bridgeland. Newmark Homes is just one of the award-winning builders that features multiple styles of homes in varying price points from moderately-sized to the elaborate.

Newmark has created a new product called the Portrait Series. The Houston-based homebuilder is now including a more modestly sized home on 45-ft properties in Parkland Village. The homes were originally designed with millennial buyers in mind, but Newmark quickly realized the series was equally attractive to alternative buyers such as empty nesters and professionals.

Starting in the $270s, the 1.5- and 2-story homes have between 1,761 and 2,718 square feet. With dozens of floorplan choices, these homes offer a more…

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Cinépolis Luxury Cinemas is opening a 42,000 square foot movie theater located in Creekside Park West Village at 26543 Kuykendahl Road, 77375. The location was initially being constructed by Moviehouse & Eatery before being acquired by Cinépolis. The theater is scheduled to open fall 2019.

 Source: HelloWoodlands.com

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On Saturday, nearly 500 guests gathered at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott for the Spirit of the Woods gala benefiting Texas Children’s Hospital The Woodlands.

The spectacular evening was filled with stunning performances by Antigravity, a high-energy aerial and acrobatics group which showcased the power of the human body and spirit. Thanks to the entertainment sponsored by Woodforest National Bank, guests were treated to highflying acts and daredevil drops all in support of the outreach and care Texas Children’s provides to underserved families in the community.

Michelle Riley-Brown, president of Texas Children’s Hospital The Woodlands, welcomed guests and provided updates on the hospital’s successes since opening in 2017, including the…

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