After announcing the closing of The Woodlands Yoga Studio on March 17 following guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to flatten the curve of Coronavirus exposure, owner Sue Brooks said she began offering her classes through live video streams.

The streams, which can be found on both YouTube and Facebook, help students still attend classes free of charge. "I do one or two classes per day, free to the public," Brooks said. "It's my way of giving back to the community."

Brooks said she is currently without revenue due to the closure and is hoping things return to normal after a few weeks. In the meantime, however, she said she is following Jim "Mattress Mack" McIngvale's example by providing a service to those interested in…

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Motivational quote of the week: “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” – Leo Buscaglia | Here’s our pick of the top five things to do at home this week:

Take an online tour of The Louvre! Visit the museum's exhibition rooms and galleries; contemplate the façades of the Louvre... Come along on a virtual tour and enjoy the view. ONLINE LINK

Watch Live Animal Cams at the Memphis Zoo! Gather around the screen to see pandas, hippos, and elephants throughout the day and night. ONLINE LINK

Tune in to NASA TV! When not showing live news coverage, NASA TV airs a variety of programming. Viewers may see views of the Earth from the International Space Station; replays of mission operations or news conferences; or…

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Clutter is the bane of a well-curated home. It’s all too easy to let unnecessary objects pile up in your home. These 10 items are so easy to say goodbye to, you won’t believe you ever let them stay in your home in the first place.

Expired Toiletries

Makeup, lotions, and other toiletries can begin to harvest bacteria and simply go bad as time goes on. Toss expired or old items lurking in your bathroom drawer.

Old Spices

Spices lose their flavor and potency as time goes on. If you sniff your spice and the smell doesn’t come through, it’s time to toss it.

Extra Flower Vases

If you have a small vase collection as a result of delivery floral arrangements, pair it down to your favorite two. (You’ll likely get another the next time a…

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El otoño está aquí y eso significa más tiempo en casa. Queremos compartir contigo algunos tips, consejos y recordatorios para el mantenimiento de tu hogar.

 ☐ Hay que mantener limpias las canaletas, los tubos que bajan de ellas y los aleros del techo de las hojas y escombros.

☐ Hay que comprobar que la conexión entre la secadora y el escape de ventilación estén bien.

☐ Revisar las mangueras y conexiones de la lavadora en busca de grietas o fugas; si las hay, reparar o reemplazar según sea necesario.

☐ Llamar a un profesional para revisar el sistema de calefacción y aire acondicionado.

☐ Limpiar o aspirar los rieles de las ventanas, puertas corredizas y lubricarlos con spray de silicón.

☐ Revisar y en caso de ser necesario reparar los…

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