La Reserva Federal redujo las tasas de interés en medio punto porcentual el miércoles, iniciando lo que se espera sea una política monetaria más flexible con una reducción mayor de lo habitual en los costos de endeudamiento, tras el creciente malestar sobre la salud del mercado laboral.

A pesar de que la inflación "permanece algo elevada", según el comunicado de la Fed, los responsables de la política monetaria optaron por reducir la tasa de interés a un rango de 4.75%-5.00% "a la luz de los avances en la inflación y el balance de riesgos."

La Fed "estaría preparada para ajustar la postura de la política monetaria según sea apropiado si surgen riesgos que puedan impedir el cumplimiento de los objetivos del Comité", prestando atención "a ambos lados…

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J. Patrick Homes es un constructor de viviendas que opera en el área de Houston, Texas, incluyendo Conroe. Según su sitio web, tienen varias comunidades en Conroe donde construyen casas nuevas. Algunas de las comunidades incluyen:

  • The Woods of Conroe: Esta comunidad se encuentra al sur de Conroe y ofrece una variedad de diseños de casas unifamiliares con 3-5 habitaciones y 2-3.5 baños.
  • Graystone Hills: Esta comunidad cuenta con amplias casas unifamiliares de 3-5 habitaciones y 2-4 baños. La comunidad cuenta con una gran cantidad de árboles y parques cercanos.

  • Grand Central Park: Ubicado al sur de Conroe, esta comunidad tiene una gran cantidad de parques y senderos para caminar. Las casas unifamiliares en esta comunidad tienen de 3 a…

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¡Por supuesto! Hay muchas opciones para encontrar casas nuevas en Houston. A continuación te proporcionaré algunas sugerencias:

  1. Busca en línea: sitios web como ,  y mi sitio en Har  son excelentes recursos para encontrar casas nuevas en Houston. Puedes usar los filtros de búsqueda para limitar los resultados a casas nuevas y también puedes establecer un rango de precios y otras características para refinar tu búsqueda.

  • Consulta los sitios web de los constructores de viviendas: muchos constructores de viviendas tienen sus propios sitios web donde pueden mostrar sus desarrollos en Houston, Conroe, Spring, Magnolia, Tomball. Puedes buscar en Google…

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Numerous choices for every type of homebuyer can be found in Bridgeland. Newmark Homes is just one of the award-winning builders that features multiple styles of homes in varying price points from moderately-sized to the elaborate.

Newmark has created a new product called the Portrait Series. The Houston-based homebuilder is now including a more modestly sized home on 45-ft properties in Parkland Village. The homes were originally designed with millennial buyers in mind, but Newmark quickly realized the series was equally attractive to alternative buyers such as empty nesters and professionals.

Starting in the $270s, the 1.5- and 2-story homes have between 1,761 and 2,718 square feet. With dozens of floorplan choices, these homes offer a more…

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Leaving behind a place that you’ve come to consider your home, can be a very awkward sensation. However, it’s also a time of reinvention; allowing you to create new memories in an area that will be considered your new safe haven. With all of this in mind, choosing a new home is a very important decision, and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. This is especially true for families, as there is more than one set of wants and needs that must be acknowledged. So, what should you be looking for when choosing a new home builder?

Last month, Houston remained on top for new construction activity, having more than 2,225 new permits with a total value of nearly $451M on file for the month. More than half of all new construction took place in Harris County…

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Decorating your home to put it up for rent is not the same thing as simply decorating.  When you decorate for your personal taste you follow your own needs, but this is something you should not do if you want to rent your home.  There are a few key elements you can do to make your home stand out to a future tenant. With these easy steps we want to help your home make the best first impression.



1. Illuminate the space.

A well lit home gives the feel of cleanliness and spaciousness. Having white walls or neutral colored walls will help bring light to your space.  Take advantage of your windows, don’t close your curtains or blinds, especially if they are dark . Choose furniture and accents that are neutral and that reflect light easily.


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Here are five tips and ideas.

When we talk about vintage pieces we are referring to new furniture that has an old vibe but are not antiques.  These pieces that have a retro feel are the ones that are currently being designed and sold but have a characteristic of wanting to evoke a past aesthetic.

We want to help you add these unique pieces to your home decor so that you can create a vintage inspired look that is so trendy now.


1. Grandmothers sofa.

This piece of furniture that you always saw at your beloved grandparents home is one of the clear options to add a vintage flair to your home.  You can place it in a focal point in your living room, don’t be afraid to combine it with your actual furniture.



2. The vintage desk or…

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When people think of a city that is growing and progressing they generally don’t think about Houston.     People tend to associate this city with the smell of gas refineries, a heavy humidity and the constant low performance of the Astros.  They should consider this again, Houston has a gigantic economy.   It is the number one city in the whole country with the highest source of jobs, it is also home to the growing energy industry.  It has more ethnic diversity than New York City and it lets the value of your money stretch like no other city.  Apart from all this you can add that it is constantly renewing in restaurants and cultural venues.  This is why you can see that Houston is one of the best cities to live in the United…

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Look at how amazing your home can look.  This works perfectly to elevate your style and decoration.     We are always looking for ways to incorporate color and add a unique flair into our home and our lifestyle. One solution that we love and that we use constantly is to paint a single accent wall of a room with an eye popping color.  For example, in the living room we love to paint the wall that is behind the sofa because this provides great contrast and catches our eye.  Have you ever asked yourself what would happen if you painted everything the same color?     At first this might seem a bit harsh yet once you start painting the ceilings in white combined with natural light wood floors, neutral color furniture and a distinctive…

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"Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake", author Wallace Stevens once said.
Well, in fact, you can find more than truth at places like Bridgeland community, surrounded by lots of lakes and...many more facilities.

This master-planned sector, located in the northwest Houston suburb of Cypress, Texas, consists of about 46 square kilometers of land, 12 of them, dedicated specifically to nature.

Few places in Texas offer so much space for outdoor activities like this one. In the Hidden Creek area, for example, you can find an 81,000 square meter village park for walking or hanging out with your friends and family. However, you can also take advantage of basketball courts, a skating ring, a tennis court, picnic areas, walking trails and…

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