Oaks of Devonshire homes for sale
When you think about a beautiful place surrounded by beautiful vegetation and natural amenities you will surely think about Oaks of Devonshire real estate, a wonderful subdivision located in Spring, Texas.
Oaks of Devonshire real estate can be found pretty close to Interstate 45 north near the future Exxon Mobil campus and services that would definitely make any resident to forget their former lifestyle - from entertainment venues to grocery stores and restaurants to welcome you whenever you want. Airport is also located minutes away from the area, as well as The Woodlands amenities.
Oaks of Devonshire real estate offers amenities like a 4-acre lake with catch and release fishing, and a 5-acre park with swimming pool, pavilion, and gazebo. Sport lovers will find in Oaks of Devonshire their perfect paradise, the area also includes tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts, playground and walking trails.
Most Recent Homes for Sale & Lease in Oaks Of Devonshire
- All Listings
- $300,000 - $400,000
- $400,000 - $500,000
Oaks of Devonshire Real Estate
Home builders that have left their hallmark in Oaks of Devonshire are Pulte Homes, Centex, and Power Hills. Oaks of Devonshire homes for sale started to be built during the 80s, and finished in early 2000s. This helped to provide to the residences located within the area a beautiful traditional-style featuring brick and wood finishes.
Roth Elementary, Schindewolf Intermediate, and Klein Collins High are part of the high-quality schools that offer first-world education to children living in Oaks of Devonshire real estate. This is a unique opportunity you would not want to miss.
Don’t hesitate to contact us at (832) 482-9367 to learn more about this gorgeous neighborhood. Start working with the experts - start working with Tamborrel Real Estate Group.