After announcing the closing of The Woodlands Yoga Studio on March 17 following guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to flatten the curve of Coronavirus exposure, owner Sue Brooks said she began offering her classes through live video streams.

The streams, which can be found on both YouTube and Facebook, help students still attend classes free of charge. "I do one or two classes per day, free to the public," Brooks said. "It's my way of giving back to the community."

Brooks said she is currently without revenue due to the closure and is hoping things return to normal after a few weeks. In the meantime, however, she said she is following Jim "Mattress Mack" McIngvale's example by providing a service to those interested in…

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Motivational quote of the week: “Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” – Leo Buscaglia | Here’s our pick of the top five things to do at home this week:

Take an online tour of The Louvre! Visit the museum's exhibition rooms and galleries; contemplate the façades of the Louvre... Come along on a virtual tour and enjoy the view. ONLINE LINK

Watch Live Animal Cams at the Memphis Zoo! Gather around the screen to see pandas, hippos, and elephants throughout the day and night. ONLINE LINK

Tune in to NASA TV! When not showing live news coverage, NASA TV airs a variety of programming. Viewers may see views of the Earth from the International Space Station; replays of mission operations or news conferences; or…

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Los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) están vigilando de cerca un brote de enfermedad respiratoria causada por un nuevo coronavirus que se identificó por primera vez en Wuhan, en la provincia de Hubei, en China.

Ésta es una situación emergente que está cambiando rápidamente y los CDC continuarán brindando información actualizada a medida que esté disponible. Los CDC trabajan a toda hora para proteger la salud de las personas. Es función de los CDC preocuparse y actuar rápidamente cada vez que haya un problema potencial para la salud pública. Hay información adicional sobre la respuesta de los CDC al COVID-19 en inglés.

Encuentra toda la información en el siguiente link: CDC

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The 2020 Children’s Memorial Hermann IRONKIDS Texas Fun Run offers young athletes the opportunity to feel the excitement of competition while enjoying the outdoors and promoting healthy living. Each athlete receives a race bib, finisher shirt, medal, goodie bag and pride of calling themselves an IRONKID! The event takes place the weekend before the Memorial Hermann IRONMAN Texas.

This year the event will take place on Saturday, April 18 at 9:30 a.m. with Village booths and activities beginning at 8:00 a.m. The run begins at the beautiful and scenic Town Green Park located at 2099 Lake Robbins Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77380. Families and kids aged 6 months – 17 years are invited to participate in the run and activities.


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On August 28, 2017, a little more than 1,200 freshman and sophomore students entered the halls of the newly constructed Bridgeland High School. Now, almost three years later, the first class to toss their caps will be graduating this May – forever to be known as the class of 2020. The 573,000 square-foot building that’s part of Bridgeland’s multi-educational campus located on Mason Road, currently supports more than 200 teachers who instruct approximately 3,300 students daily.

The timing seemed fitting for Bridgeland’s developer, The Howard Hughes Corporation, to launch its scholarship program to the school’s first graduating class. The annual scholarship program will award two deserving Bridgeland High School seniors with a $2,500 scholarship.

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The Backstreet Boys are back! They announced Monday their next world tour will bring them back to the Houston area. If you missed your shot last year, you can see them again this fall.

As part of their tour in North America, they'll stop at the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion in The Woodlands on Friday, Oct 2.

Tickets now on sale to the general at


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Two Class AAA office towers, warehouse space and developable land were acquired by THE HOWARD HUGHES CORPORATION® in The Woodlands®, Texas. A 63 acre Campus in West Houston was also included in this acquisition. This acquisition will meet an ongoing demand in this market and will reinforce The Howard Hughes Corporation’s standing as the community’s representative and largest contributor.

The 63 acre, 1.3 million square foot campus with 17 office buildings acquired from Occidental's Century Park campus in the West Houston Energy Corridor is included in the $565 million transaction. This will be remarketed and will focus resources into the growth of its core business of Master Planned Communities. In The Woodlands, this acquisition of the two Class…

1978 Views, 0 Comments

If you are looking for a home to raise a family in Texas, you may want to head to The Woodlands.

The Woodlands was ranked second-best city to raise a family in America, according to

Receiving an overall A+ grade, the result came from an assessment from, a website that compiles research from cities, neighborhoods, schools, and colleges. The website also uses that information to make it easy-to-read for visitors.

Key factors that were considered in the recent ranking included high-rated public schools, diversity in residents, and employment growth.

Residents who rated The Woodlands mentioned items such as cleanliness, close proximity of shopping centers, affordability, and safety in order to measure the appeal to the…

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Las mujeres somos y hacemos de todo. Tenemos muchos roles, áreas que nos interesan y a las cuales les dedicamos nuestro día; a éstas nos gusta llamarles porcentajes. Algunas somos mamás, trabajamos, somos foodies, voluntarias, nos gusta viajar y conectar con otras mujeres. No podemos dejar a un lado los guilty pleasures, que nos gusta cuidar nuestra salud y apapacharnos de vez en cuando.

The One Percent Agency y Dominika Paleta, en colaboración con Ana Beatriz Priego, fundadora de Infusión Podcast y el blog anabeat decidimos traer a The Woodlands esta experiencia para mujeres en la que al menos por un momento, nos enfoquemos en nosotras mismas y en nutrir esos porcentajes que nos hacen quienes somos. Woman Percent es un espacio en el que aprenderemos…

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The five-day film festival kicks off by Waterway Square in The Woodlands with a community screening of short films followed by a VIP party that includes a multimedia fashion show featuring original designs inspired by the films. The films are further brought to life through a variety of panel discussions and interactive community events over the course of the festival.

2020 Passes are NOW Available. Get Yours Today!


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